Congratulations! You received a redeemable check. The steps below are how to redeem it.
Note: If you have received a Redeemable Check, please know this is only a PRE-QUALIFICATION, and there is still a verification process that must be done in order to be accepted into the program. You must meet qualifications in order to take advantage of this unique offer. Redeemable checks are intended for the rightful homeowner. Redemption of the check is therefore subject to verification and acceptance of your application. We must check, and we need to verify that you are the rightful homeowner of the foreclosure, and assets are owed to you. Then yes, we are eager and happy to perform this extraordinary service for you. Please also note that due to CoronaVirus COVID-19, many government offices are closed, and will cause further delays to the necessary verification process.
We at HRC are still accepting applications nevertheless, and you will be contacted as fast as possible to get your case started and processed in full.
If you are the rightful homeowner, please fill in the form below (all fields) with your accurate information so we can perform this verification.